Chemical additives are used in foodstuffs and sometimes it results into adulteration due to processing and hygiene aids. The discovery of an increasing number of new chemical substances has resulted in the exploration of numerous fields for their use, including the food industry, which finds itself faced with the potential use of chemicals for many purposes. Whatever the particular use of each of these materials may be, there is the possibility that human beings may ingest them in large or small amounts, either by their deliberate inclusion as food additives, or as residues from their use at some stage in food production.
It is important that the pharmacologist, the chemist, the nutritionist, the clinician and the food scientists should discuss and explore together the problems involved in the potential introduction of new substances in food manufacture. The health of the community may be affected by the use of chemicals as additives, and as technological and hygiene aids in food production and in the protection and preservation of crops, so that mutual exchange of information is vital.
Moreover, the role of quality monitoring and contamination prevention doesn’t stop here in the Chemical industry. These can be many such examples. For example, the chemical industry should check adulteration of solvents in petrol and diesel and restrict the application of these products to select intermediaries as specified by the Union Petroleum Ministry.
Sometimes solvents which are genuinely used by the chemical industry for their own business purposes fall in the hands of miscreants and are used for adulteration of petroleum products.
Therefore, it is very important to check the quality of raw material as well as finished goods and its impact on humans by the Chemical industry. Purity Test provides such tests for small, medium and large enterprises involved in the Chemical Sector.